Magical Maleny

A holistic approach to business support
Intuitive guidance through a process of discovery
to capture the soul of your business.

Veronica is offering to support you in five ways
(see what's Special in Personal Life Support for The New Year here)
(See below SAVE $50 on your first intro session
to celebrate this New Year for your Business)

No 1      A FREE GIFT
A Special Message Every Month

Something to Help and Inspire YOU to "Build Your Business with spirit"

Each Special Message will reveal
One of the BIG SECRETS to Having a Successful Business

Please accept
  it's Veronicas
FREE GIFT to you

Register here NOW

*First Name
*Last Name

For Protection from SPAM please enter the Letters
and Numbers in the Graphic in the box provided.
Image Verification

No 2   E-Lesson Every Month
Veronica will support you to implement the ideas and concepts conveyed
in each Special Message.
E-Lessons will explain "How To" adapt and change
to new ways of thinking and feeling about "Your Business with spirit"
Each Monthly E-Lesson will be a step by step guide to
Your Business and Transforming Your Life as well

Crack open the bubbly, I'm celebrating with Special Offers You'll Love
Not $30, Not $20, Only $10 for each monthly lesson.
Each one has the power to change your life and your Business

Take advantage of this sign up 12 months of E-Lessons for ONLY $100
Amazing value for the Wisdom and Inspiration to Transform Your Business
                                                        Sign up NOW  you'll have to call me for this special
No 3   Personal Mentoring and Coaching
The Very Best way to take advantage of Veronicas intuitive ability to get to the core of any issues. Communicating with you and with spirit to bring you the answers, the understanding and the inspiration that is just right for you
One on One Sessions are private, personal and confidential

Personal coaching sessions are available as a one off meeting
but the most benefit is gained through working progressively through
each area of your business. Make the most of Veronicas enthusiastic support helping you to move from where you are now, to where you want to be

One on One Personal Mentoring and Coaching Sessions

$120 per session, 3 for $330, 6 for $600

or pay $1000 for 10 sessions and get your 11th session absolutely FREE

"Create a New and Exciting Future for Your Life"
One Day Workshop at 1/2 price YES! That's right - YOU SAVE $150
One on One Sessions are available in person in Maleny, by phone or Skye
Book NOW by emailing

No 4   Your Business Starts With You
Like every other part of our lives we may like to change, there is no
point looking out there to the end result and just trying to change that
We need to come back to the beginning, where everything starts
"Everything Starts With You"

Let's liken it to decorating, we want a new colour in a room
We can go straight to buying the new paint and putting in on over the
old stuff, but it's likely to soon start peeling off and may not last too long

If you invest time in good preperation, wash everything down, getting rid
of the old stuff, sanding off what's not needed, filling in holes and making
it smooth, you feel so good, because you know, when you put on that new
colour, it will be able to stand the test of time
You can now create something special and it is going to last

Veronica offers you her support so you can
create something special - right now
email for the date of the next 2 Day course


No 5  
Create a New and Exciting Future for You and Your Business

Veronica has designed this exciting course to run as a 2-3 day Business Retreat Participating in a
retreat in Maleny, gives you the opportunity to get away from working in your business and away from family commitments so you can enjoy this special time to fully immerse yourself into this very creative process.
You are invited to embark on this journey of discovery to

"Create a New and Exciting Future for You and Your Business"

Email  for more information, pricing and dates

Veronica looks forward to helping YOU to "Build Your Business with spirit"

©2025  All Rights Reserved  -  Magical Maleny